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From: Sylinna
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Finhaus is the middle sibling of Queriven, Kielle, and Sirnah. This is a passionate elf who lives on the edge of Sylinna on his father's old property. He grows mainly herbs to sell as medicine ingredients but also grows food for himself and the city as well. He never feels alone away from the city as he always has animals visiting him.
They increase in numbers throughout the years as he feeds them and takes them in when they're ill or hurt. As such, he is hardly ever without an animal of some kind with him and so many visit his property that he created a small area of his field where they are allowed to trample and snack without ruining his main profits. Finhaus was the first one of Queriven's siblings to find him and take him in as a brother.
Finhaus wouldn't waste time doing something he doesn't enjoy. He loves life and nature and loves to sit outside among his wildlife friends in his free time. Farming is yet another excuse for him to be outside with the deer, birds, rodents, and other creatures. His father also used the property as a farm and working in the fields remind Finhaus of the times he would help his father plant and harvest.
His love for nature and wildlife doesn't make him socially anxious. Finhaus is an empath who feels all the needs and wants of both animals and people. Seemingly, this is why he adopted Queriven so quickly before the others. His kind, soft nature can make it difficult for him to face conflict.